“Alinjagala and many other monuments like this prove that Nakhchivan is an ancient land of Azerbaijan, throughout the centuries and thousand years Azerbaijanis lived here”.

Heydar Aliyev






Exposition of “Alinjagala” Historical and Cultural Museum

According to the Decree by the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic “On restoration of the historical monument “Alinjagala” located in Julfa district” signed on February 11, 2014, “Alinjagala” Historical and Cultural Museum was established. National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, while appreciating the cultural and historical significance of “Alinjagala”, said: “Alinjagala” and many monuments like this demonstrate that Nakhchivan is an ancient land of Azerbaijan, and for hundreds and thousands of years Azerbaijanis lived and developed here.

The Museum consists of an exhibition hall and two rooms. Overall, there are 250 exhibits in the Museum, and 167 of them are exposed in the Museum exposition.

“Alinjagala” is registered in the list of immovable historical and cultural monuments of world importance in the territory of the autonomous republic. One of the ancient sources, where fortress is mentioned, is the epos of “Kitabi Dede Korkut”. It was possible to keep approximately 600 fighters with their horses and ammunition in Alinjagala.

Alinjagala played an irreplaceable role in the history of Middle Age states of Azerbaijan and was used as a fortification against enemies.

In the exhibition hall of Museum, the photos of “Alinjagala” historical monument before, during, and after restoration, and photos of restoration works are displayed.

In glass cases, the Multivolume “The History of Nakhchivan”, “The Encyclopedia of Nakhchivan Monuments”, which is a great contribution to the works done in the study of the history and culture of Nakhchivan, “The Historical Atlas of Nakhchivan”, and books, papers, and newspaper articles related to the history of “Alinjagala” are exhibited.

There are various conceptions about the history of “Alinjagala”. According to the historical sources, researchers attributed “Alinjagala” to the I-VI centuries. The oldest source that mentions the fortress is the epos of “Kitabi Dede Korkut”. In the epos, the fortress is described as a strong fortification.

Becoming of “Alinjagala” the main fortification of Azerbaijani people against Timur in 80-90s of the XIV century and courageous defense for 14 years is one of the glorious pages in our history. 

“Alinjagala” managed to preserve its magnificence during the reigns of Jalayirids, Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu dynasties, and later Safavids.

Pottery pots and lamps, painted ceramic fragments found in the territory of “Alinjagala” are displayed in the museum. They are considered as unique exhibits which show formation of the tradition of craftsmanship in Azerbaijan from ancient times.

Ceramics exhibited in museum date back to the IX-XV centuries while lamps date back to the IX-XII centuries.

For the study of the history of “Alinjagala”, the coins discovered during archeological excavations are of great importance. The oldest coin that found in “Alinjagala” dates back to the VII century. The fact that this coin was minted in Tashkent confirms trade relations of “Alinjagala” with Central Asian states. This type of coins, with monarch image on it, were called “drachma”, were minted and passed into the turnover in Bukhara and environs in I-IV centuries. Researches show that such coins that belong to a group called “Turan coins” were minted under the influence of Great Silk Road since I century and were used as a means of turnover by different states in trade dealings and development of commodity-money relations.

During the reign of Atabegs state of Azerbaijan – Eldiguzids, an importance of “Alinjagala” significantly increased, and the fortress which was an important military fortification became a shelter for keeping the security of the family of rulers. The residence of Zahida Khatun, the ruler of Nakhchivan was in “Alinjagala”.

A part of cultural exemplars that discovered in the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is different types of cold steel arms. The exhibition displays the medieval dagger. In general, a dagger as a sword is carried in a scabbard. Because of this, on the upper part of scabbard, a special “clasp” made of metal was added. Steel mixed with iron was used in making of swords and daggers.

These arms, which are the most valuable and decisive types of weapons in hand-to-hand fighting, were made by the method of forging and casting.

Exemplars of silver belts demonstrated in Museum are among the Museum’s most valuable exhibits. In medieval period, silver belt was one of the main decorative ornaments which completed traditional male and female clothing set.

Different kinds of socks, skull-cups and other knitting samples, tools, and supplies that are exhibited in the Museum deserve attention like valuable artifacts. These exhibits date back to the XIX-XX centuries.

The statements in the adopted Decree on the restoration of Alinjagala confirm the significance of the restoration of this historical monument once again: “Antiquity, history, culture of each land live on its monuments. The glorious pages of Azerbaijan history were written on “Alinjagala” historical monument. This fortress is a symbol of persistence of Nakhchivan. Therefore, restoration of the “Alinjagala” is of great importance for the conservation of centuries-old cultural heritage of our people”.



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Date: 22-10-2024